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Kentucky & Indiana Business Lawyer

Legal counsel is an investment for large and small businesses in Indiana and Kentucky.  The quality of your outside counsel can make the difference between a prosperous year filled with business growth or a costly legal misstep.  That’s why it’s important to choose wisely when selecting a New Albany business lawyer.

教堂的商业律师, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law是该地区最聪明、最有经验的人.  我们对客户的需求反应迅速, whether drafting time-sensitive contracts and legal agreements or strategizing big-picture merger and acquisition plans.  A New Albany based business lawyer can adapt easily to your unique legal needs and partner with you in pursuing your business goals.  我们是您领导团队中不可或缺的一员.

丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳,我们 商业诉讼律师 would welcome the opportunity to have a conversation about how our legal team can support your business in achieving its strategic goals.  Please feel free to call us at 812-725-8224 so we can begin a conversation.


商业法律律师——印第安纳州 & Kentucky

An experienced business lawyer can not only draft legal documents but also help guide business leaders so they avoid common legal mistakes.  At Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law, we view our role as being on both your offensive and defensive teams when it comes to legal matters.  我们提供积极主动的咨询和法律建议, mediation and arbitration, 房地产产权bet9九州体育登录, ADA compliance advice, shareholder services, 高级管理人员和董事责任指南, trial counsel and a host of other legal services needed to build your business and keep it running smoothly.

We can also serve as defense counsel if your business faces a lawsuit or has a dispute with a supplier, client or employee.  Our wide range of legal skills and experience enable us to be responsive and tailor our legal services to your unique needs.  We feel we are doing our best legal work when we partner with businesses and deeply understand their mission, 目标和成长机会.

Because we make it our business to invest deeply in our clients’ success, 我们在Church的资深商业律师, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law can impact your company’s profitability by providing top-notch legal services focused on your goals and helping you avoid legal mistakes or setbacks in Indiana and Kentucky.



We offer a wide range of legal services and can help your business in one or several areas of the law.  无论你是一个小公司, 一个几代人的家族企业, 大型企业或初创企业, our team of New Albany based business attorneys can provide you with excellent and customized legal services.  我们提供的其中一些是:

  • 咨询及法律意见
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Business formation
  • Succession planning
  • 董事和高级职员的责任
  • Mediation/arbitration
  • Tax planning
  • Shareholder litigation
  • Labor law
  • Trial counsel
  • 合同起草及评审
  • Ownership agreements
  • 房地产产权bet9九州体育登录
  • Banking relationships
  • Business licensing
  • Supply-chain agreements
  • Commercial zoning issues
  • 知识产权事宜
  • 减少法律责任.

At every stage of the business lifecycle, you will face new and evolving legal needs.  Our goal is to help you anticipate these and proactively address them so you minimize your legal liability and avoid unnecessary legal proceedings.  We would be glad to answer any questions you may have about our legal services and your business needs.  请致电812-725-8224.



While no business ever wants to enter the courtroom, sometimes it’s unavoidable.  When this happens, a skilled and experienced business lawyer can make the difference between a quick and favorable decision or a protracted, less-than-ideal outcome.  The business attorneys at our firm are committed to your success and can assist in Indiana and Kentucky.  我们的一些具体bet9九州体育登录说明如下:

  1. Construction claims -有关工程延误的争议, scheduling, defective design, non-payment, unacceptable workmanship, substituted materials, or cost overruns

  2. 合伙/合资纠纷 -当商业协会进展不顺利时

  3. Real estate -合并和收购, commercial transactions, 丧失抵押品赎回权的辩护/锻炼策略, 租赁事宜(业主及租客), mortgages, collection actions, land use disputes, permits, zoning approvals, nonconforming uses, rezoning, and variances

  4. Business torts — fraud, 侵权干涉合同, 对未来商业关系的侵权干扰, theft of trade secrets, business defamation, misrepresentation, and unfair competition

  5. Employment claims – such as wages, hours, safety, 雇佣状况(随意雇佣与独立合同工), hiring, termination, discrimination, and privacy

  6. Antitrust claims -当竞争行为失控时

  7. Consumer protection – accusations of fraud regarding how a business advertises, promotes, or sells its products

  8. Breach of fiduciary duty -通常涉及受托人, corporate directors, 商业合营者, investment advisors, 以及退休计划的管理者

  9. Shareholder issues -可能涉及商业利益冲突, 违反董事职责, 缺乏适当的财务报告, insider trading, and more

  10. Intellectual property (IP) -因有价值资产(如商标)的所有权而产生的索偿, copyrights, design rights, and patents; also IP being used without permission, 员工与竞争对手分享秘密, 违反保密协议

  11. 统一商法典问题 -涉及在公司境外进行的商业交易, 比如订立合同, borrowing money, leasing equipment, and selling goods

  12. Succession Planning – for the orderly transfer of ownership from one generation to the next within a family, 或者当现任领导人退休时,与领导有关的决定

  13. 供应链协议和谈判 -在选择供应商和分销商时, 一个熟练的律师可以谈判和起草这些供应商协议.

If your greatest need is contract drafting and review or courtroom litigation, our skilled and highly experienced business attorneys can meet your legal needs.  请致电812-725-8224 so we can answer your questions and you can learn more about how our law firm can be of service to you.



识别潜在的缺陷 & Solutions

A business lawyer really proves their worth when they can help your company avoid costly legal mistakes.  Sometimes business leaders are knee-deep in legal difficulty before they know it.  Our goal at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law is to help you identify legal quicksand early and step around it.  我们看到企业最常犯的法律错误包括:

  1. 没有建立正确的业务结构/实体

  2. 与外部供应商的合同不完整

  3. Failure to get the proper background checks and immigration documentation on employees

  4. 不遵守商业税法

  5. 等待所需的许可证和分区批准的时间太长

  6. 没有隐私政策

  7. 未与客户订立条款、条件和保修除外条款

  8. Lacking non-compete or non-disclosure agreements with employees who leave

  9. Failing to track expenses

  10. 不遵守证券法

  11. 没有确保适当的保险政策

  12. 没有聘请商业律师.

好的防守是最好的进攻.  Our New Albany based business lawyers understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to legal matters.  通过审视你的商业视野和预测法律障碍, 我们公司可以帮助您的企业摆脱法律困境.



At its heart, the relationship between outside counsel and a thriving business is an ongoing relationship in which a law firm invests in its business clients and embraces their goals. Church, Langdon, Lopp, 《bet9九州体育登录》可以处理企业的一次性法律需求, and we are happy to do so.  Our preferred opportunity is to launch and nurture an ongoing relationship with business clients and to act as a partner in realizing their dreams of success and growth.  知道我们帮助实现了这些,我们感到非常满意.  无论贵公司的法律需求是大还是小, our business attorney can leverage every legal opportunity you encounter in Indiana or Kentucky.

Client Testimonial

“我们最近与奥巴马合作. 一件私事,一件生意. 他非常专业,反应迅速,回答了我们所有的问题. 这两件事都处理得很好. 我们肯定会使用Mr. Lopp为将来的律师提供帮助.” – Shannon Kopf (Google Review)

Attorney Steve Langdon

在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, trusts, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, 以及高级指导计划, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]

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We invite you to contact our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal concerns.

Discover why so many businesses and individuals have come to rely on our trusted advice and proven advocacy.

    Logo, CLLB Law Attorneys



    At Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law, we would welcome the opportunity to begin a conversation about how we can meet your business’s unique legal needs.  我们想了解更多关于如何帮助您实现您的短期目标, 中期和长期目标. 无论是从一个电话开始还是面对面的会面,

    a New Albany business lawyer with our firm would be glad to sit down and learn more about you, 你的领导团队和你的成功策略.  Please call us today at 812-725-8224 as a first step in beginning this dialogue. 我们很荣幸有这个机会来谈一谈.